Adaptogens for stress – how to get started

What are adaptogens?


Adaptogens are wonderfully effective botanicals that support the body’s response to stress. They impact different aspects of our stress management systems (mineral balance, adrenals, brain, etc…).  Adaptogens can offer a calm source of energy, improved mental clarity, athletic endurance, better sleep, and antioxidant support and have been used for centuries across the globe.  When our adrenals are taxed from keeping up with stress, our whole system can be thrown off.  

Signs of taxed adrenals

Before I go any further, I want to point out that our body’s stress system works really well. If you’re experiencing stress, it’s a wise idea to take a good look at WHY. I highly recommend working with one on one with me (or another NTP or functional medicine doctor) to get to the root of the stress issue. While so many of us have been experiencing major external stressors (pandemic, uncertain finances, virtual learning for kids, etc….), other internal factors may be compounding stress.   Gut dysbiosis, parasites, infections, inflammation, food sensitivities, heavy metal toxicity, and leaky gut can all create more stress in the body. In those cases, it’s best to work with a practitioner to address the root causes.  But, in the meantime, if you know you really need support to get you through, I totally recommend adaptogens! I suggest trying one at a time, rather than a combination, since they all work differently. Also, if you react poorly to a blend, you won’t know which herb was the culprit.

How do they help?

Adaptogens have been shown to help in the following ways:

  • improve the body’s resistance to stress
  • combat fatigue and burnout
  • improve mental performance
  • balance hormones
  • improve athletic endurance
  • ease depression & anxiety
  • normalize cortisol levels
  • balance thyroid function
  • support healthy sleep
  • exert antioxidant activity in the body

Which one is right for me?

Ashwaganda is considered the “The Queen of Adaptogens” while exerting a gentle, calming effect. It helps to modulate cortisol and balance energy levels.  It’s especially helpful for anxiety while also boosting thyroid function.  Please note that it’s also a nightshade, and those with autoimmunity may want to avoid it.

Adaptogen - ashwaganda
Adaptogens - rhodiola

Rhodiola is wonderful for anxiety and nervous energy.  It provides a bodily calm that is paired with enhanced focus and endurance.  Athletes have been known to use it to support athletic performances.  Please note that rhodiola is not recommended for anyone who has or suspects they have bipolar disorder.

Reishi is best known for boosting immunity, though it also improves deep sleep and enhances detoxification.  Reishi is also quite helpful in modulating gut health, as it is a prebiotic (and feeds our good gut microbiome).  


Adaptogen: Reishi
Adaptogen: Tulsi or Holy Basil

Tulsi/Holy Basil gently improves circulation to the brain, calms the mind, and elevates mood.  It’s really helpful for anyone with chronic inflammation, depression, or anxiety.  It’s often available as a tea or tincture.


Licorice extract is great for folks who struggle to get out of bed in the morning, due to exhaustion. It soothes your gut lining and is helpful for ulcers and gastritis while also providing a boost in energy.  Licorice can raise your blood pressure, so it’s helpful for those experiencing lightheadedness when standing up quickly. This adaptogen is best explored with the guidance of a practitioner.

Adaptogen: description of licorice

I’ve added a list of reputable sources for each of these adaptogens in my Fullscript dispensary, which allows you to purchase supplements at a discount. These botanicals are gentle yet powerful, and I hope they can help take the edge off your stress. Clients have shared with me how life-changing ashwaganda and rhodiola have been, often offering immediate palpable improvement in stress levels.